Today is World No Alcohol Day, and while you may not think that abstaining from alcohol for 24 hours is a big deal, consider this: alcohol is a poison. It’s a drug that impairs your judgment, slows your reflexes, and can lead to liver damage, among other health problems. In short, it’s not good for you. So, why not give it up for just one day? Not convinced? Here are three more reasons why you should give up alcohol for World No Alcohol Day.
Why You Should Consider Giving Up Alcohol for World No Alcohol Day
It can get Expensive
If you’re like most people, you probably don’t think twice about spending $5 on a beer or $20 on a bottle of wine. But if you stopped to consider how much money you spend on alcohol every month?
It’s Not Good for Your Health
It’s loaded with empty calories and has been linked to an increased risk of cancer, stroke, and liver disease. So, if you’re looking to improve your health, giving up alcohol—even just for one day—is a good place to start.
Alcohol is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream where it travels to the brain. There, it disrupts the normal functioning of the brain cells and alters a person’s mood and behavior. The effects of alcohol depend on many factors such as how much was drunk, how quickly it was consumed, a person’s size and weight, gender, whether they have eaten anything recently, and their tolerance for alcohol.
Drinking Too Much Impairs Your Judgment
Have you ever done something that you regretted while under the influence of alcohol? Of course you have—we all have. That’s because alcohol impairs our judgment, making us more likely to do things that we wouldn’t normally do. So, if you’re looking to avoid making any poor decisions today, staying away from alcohol is your best bet.
The Dangers of Drinking Alcohol
Binge drinking, which is defined as four or more drinks in two hours for women and five or more drinks in two hours for men, can lead to serious health problems including liver disease, heart disease, cancer, stroke, high blood pressure, and neurological damage. Binge drinking can also lead to car accidents, drowning, falls, fires, and gun violence. Approximately 88000 people die from alcohol-related issues in the United States every year making it the fourth leading preventable cause of death in our country.
Giving up alcohol for just one day may not seem like a big deal, but it can have a surprisingly positive impact on your life. Not only will it save you money and improve your health, but it will also help you avoid making any poor decisions that you may regret later. So, if you’re looking to make positive changes in your life, start by giving up alcohol for World No Alcohol Day.