May The 4th Be With You
Yes, you read that right – it’s National Star Wars Day! In 1977 the release of “Star Wars” changed Hollywood forever…. again.
The first organized Star Wars Day took place in 2011 and was based in Toronto. They even included many events. Since Disney purchased Lucasfilm in 2012 it because officially observed in Disneyland and Walt Disney World ever since.
Star Wars enjoyed a meteoric rise to fame and changed the entire landscape of cinema. The world was introduced to the Skywalker-family saga and beloved characters like Yoda, Chewbacca, and one of the darkest villains of all time, Darth Vader.
There have been many sequels in the over 40 years since Star Wars was released. But if you’re a newbie to this unique Universe, here’s the viewing order.
The Original Trilogy “A New Hope” 1977, “The Empire Strikes Back” – 1980, and “Return of the Jedi” 1983
The Prequel Trilogy: “The Phantom Menace” 1999, “Attack of the Clones” 2022, and “Revenge of the Sith” 2005.
The Sequel Trilogy: “The Force Awakens” 2015, “The Last Jedi” 2017, and The Rise of Skywalker” 2019
Today is also:
Bird Day
Candied Orange Peel Day
Interpreter Appreciation Day
Orange Juice Day
Renewal Day
Skilled Traces Day
Weather Observers Day