This day is always celebrated on May 3rd of the year. Its focus is to take time out from your ordinary or frantic schedule and go into a garden and meditate to relax your mind and body. There are gardens specifically designed for mediation that cut you off from the outside world and allow you to focus on inner peace.
Mediation gardens generally have running water and other relaxing sounds to calm your mind. It’s a reminder to take time out and relax, be rejuvenated, and get in touch with nature.
Don’t Forget Foster Care Day
Major honorable mention in this blog. This day is always the first Tuesday in May and is dedicated to all the children in the U.S. foster care system. National Foster Care Day encourages everyone to wear blue and raise their voices to show support for foster youth everywhere.
Being that many children enter foster care with little or no belongings and have suffered effects of abuse, poverty, and neglect and that there is a shortage of foster parents they definitely deserve a day for everyone to recognize and get involved on a local level.
It’s also:
Chocolate Custard Day
Lumpy Rug Day (we really need a day for this???)
Montana Day
Paranormal Day
Raspberry Popover Day
SAN Architect Day
Specially-Abled Pets Day
Teacher Appreciation Day
Textile Day
Two Different Colored Shoes Day